Monday, August 3, 2009

Database, algorithms, PIXAR, Disney and so on

Information Aesthetics - Consideration in Design and Data Analysis
Moritz Stefaner gave this talk on trying to understand the structure of a large data set.
In this case, the algorithm searched for citations of articles in scientific journals. He
wanted to find out how often an article was sighted, what each journal covered as
scientific topics etc.
Imagine if you were in charge of a space allocation study and wanted to know who emails whom most often. Imagine if you were asked to 'tag' or 'keyword' your images and wanted to see the most used or relevant ones. Imagine if you were paranoid and thought this was all too much information.

Automatic Coloization of Grayscale Images Using Multiple Images on the Web.
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo, Takeshi Naemura
This talk described colorizing black and white images using similar color images on the web. This was an automatic process.
As I was watching the demonstration, I thought of the black and white 3D images of neurons
that Simon was working on. Could we use this tool to colorize the image?
He also presented a 3D live video system using lenslets in 2004.

1 comment:

  1. Would have liked to see this one. This kind of "processing by example" method is actually very similar to the subject of my master's thesis and I have many ideas about how it could be useful in animation. I hadden't though about applying it to colorization of medical images though. Good idea! I'm keeping it.
