Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Will Wright

Will Wright was the keynote speaker. He created the SIMS and SPORE.
I overheard a conversation after the speech.
“Hi, I went to this graphics thing and missed Will Wright. What was interesting in his speech?”
The friend couldn't respond.
I thought “Oh boy, did you miss a great speech.”
Here are just a few ideas. His speech was headed “How we perceive things”. The brain figured prominently. He would be a great interview for Neuropolis.
He showed the website He had uploaded a picture of his kitty that made his kitty look small and cute and another of his kitty that was a nice photo but not as sympathetic. His bad photo but cute kitty was more popular on

In the entertainment industry, there have been individual silos of production. We are just now approaching the intersection of techniques and imagery and the way content moves around.
We don't have a concept of entertainment design. Is there a unified entertainment theory? There was a mood management theory (Zillman 1988). We watch movies that will improve our mood. The consumer knows what it wants, knows what is called , doesn't know how its made.

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